How To Break/Crack ROOT Password In UBUNTU Without CD (Recovery Mode)?

Originally published at on June June 5, 2017.
Whenever you forget your root password, it’s a disaster and the root password is really important because you can’t even look at disk property without being root. Apart from this, you have got many reasons to reset a UBUNTU ROOT password. This article will help you if you forget the password after installation or missed with handling lots of passwords.
Well, this tutorial will help you reset your Ubuntu ROOT or you may reset any account password. In this article, we will not use any live OS or other media but we will use the recovery method to do so.
Step 1: Reboot system
First, you need to reboot your system and get into the recovery mode option by holding the shift key. In the case of a dual boot system, you don’t need to hold any key. Your screen should look like the below screen. Now From this boot menu screen, select recovery mode, it is number second in most cases.

Step 2: Get Root Shell
Now, After select, the recovery let the system boot and after finishing up the boot process it will show you a few options to select.

Step 3: Remount File System
With advanced development Ubuntu the default mode of the file system is Read-only so we need to make this read/write but remount it in read/write mode by the following command.
#mount -o rw,remount /Copy
after this command, we have our file system with root login and in R/W mode.
Step 4: Identify User For Reset Password
Now to identify the user for which you need to reset the password use the following command.
#ls /homeCopy

listing /home directory will show you all the users present on the system if they were created with the default home directory location. well in my case I am going to reset the root password.
Step 5: Reset Password
To reset the password for root you need to run a simple command like below
#Enter new UNIX password:
#Retype new UNIX password:
#passwd: password updated successfully
after hitting these commands you will be prompted for a new password, so enter your password and hit enter and you will be asked again to re-entering your password. After re-entering your password and hitting enter and you are done.

in case you want to reset the password for a system user then you should use passwd <username>
like passwd kp
. After getting this completed type exit and press enter and soon after hitting exit you will get a return to the recovery menu
Step 5: Getting System Reboot
Right after Hitting the exit command, you will be back to the recovery menu. from that recovery menu choose resume normal boot

After this option select <OK>
and press enter
to get the system reboot and now you have the password to get login into the machine.

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Originally published at on June 28, 2017.